15 Lunchbox Recipe Ideas to Help Your Lunches go from Boring to Brilliant
Lunch box ruts are pretty easy to hit. I’ve run into them many times myself! Here are 15 ideas to inspire a new lunch box routine- so you can stay in the happy lane + stop hitting the ruts. Adapt the recipe ideas as needed- the 15 simple lunch box ideas here are: gluten free, dairy free, vegan + allergen friendly. Enjoy!
Happy Face Bagel
2. Beets + Treats
Beet puffs + Enjoy Life Protein Bites + Apple with SunButter dip + cantaloupe + blueberries + Good Karma FlaxMilk
3. School Safe Roll Ups
B Free Tortilla with SunButter Spread + Pomegranate Jelly + Banana Slices + Strawberry Slices. Add, Cal Organic Multi-colored carrots + cucumber slices.
4. Bento Box Fun
5. Vegan Bites, am I Right?
6. Apple Sandwiches
7. Cookie Monster’s Delight
8. Protein Cookie Surprise
Looking for more ideas to feed the kids? Read my list here.